INDEX LEAGUE 協助您的品牌更易接觸年青用戶,引發社群話題,提升品牌形象!INDEX LEAGUE 是一個結合元宇宙體驗及遊戲直播的全新沉浸式行銷策略,品牌可以透過 INDEX LEAGUE 向社群軟性推廣產品及品牌故事,助您從市場中脫穎而出。有興趣參與如此嶄新策略的商戶/品牌,請即與我們聯繫以獲取更多贊助 INDEX LEAGUE 的詳情。
INDEX LEAGUE helps your brand easily connect with young users, trigger community topics, and enhance brand image! INDEX LEAGUE is a new immersive marketing strategy that combines metaverse experience and game live streaming. Brands can use INDEX LEAGUE to softly promote products and brand stories to the community, helping you stand out from the market. Merchants/brands interested in participating in such a new strategy, please contact us immediately to get more details about sponsoring INDEX LEAGUE.